What forms a precipitate with barium?
Update date: Apr 23,2024
Barium forms precipitates with various anions, resulting in insoluble compounds. Some common precipitates formed with barium include:
Sulfate ions (SO4^2-), leading to the formation of barium sulfate (BaSO4).
Carbonate ions (CO3^2-), forming barium carbonate (BaCO3).
Phosphate ions (PO4^3-), yielding barium phosphate (Ba3(PO4)2).
Chromate ions (CrO4^2-), resulting in barium chromate (BaCrO4).
Oxalate ions (C2O4^2-), leading to the formation of barium oxalate (BaC2O4).
Silicate ions (SiO3^2-), forming barium silicate (BaSiO3).
These are some examples, but barium can potentially form precipitates with a range of other anions as well.